Hassle-Free Exchanges/Returns

We offer free returns and exchanges for any reason within 30 days of shipment (according to the tracking information) - If unworn and in the item's original condition with tag(s) still intact.

To submit a return request please click HERE and follow the steps below.

- Enter the email used when making the purchase – our system will send you a one-time passcode to log in to your customer account NO SETUP REQUIRED!

- Find the order you are wanting to exchange/return and click the button labeled “Request Return”.

- Select the reasoning for returning - give us a brief description of the issue with your order and if you are wanting a refund or to exchange the item. (If you're wanting to exchange, in the notes section, please provide the new size you are requesting. This helps us speed up your refund/exchange as well as improve our products and service as we grow)

 12-48 hours later you will receive an email with the approval or denial of your request, along with a link to print your return shipping label.

* If additional info is required a support rep will reach out to you via the email listed on your order.

Please email Support@greaterhalf.com for help with making an exchange if you have trouble using the automated return service.


Exchanges: May take up to 4 weeks if the replacement size/design is out of stock, as we will have to wait for more stock to come in.  Otherwise, we ship 99% of our orders in 1-3 business days and that includes exchange orders.

Refunds: Please allow 24-48 hours after we have received the items to process the refund. It can take 5-7 business days for the funds to be credited back to your account depending on the payment method.

Custom Apparel: Unfortunately we cannot process returns/exchanges on Custom Apparel unless an item is defective.

Shipping Address:

Greater Half
129 Dishman Ln
Bowling Green, KY